Filmquest is a leading supplier and converter of polyester (PET) film.
Filmquest converts and coats all grades of PET film for use in flexible packaging, industrial and other markets. Filmquest supplies PET film in master rolls, slit-to-width rolls, cut sheets, and fabricated components. Filmquest’s extensive production/converting capacity ensures far shorter lead times than polyester film manufacturing mills with competitive pricing.

Filmquest’s offerings include the follow Questar® brand products:
Questar® polyester film
Questar® Soft Touch polyester film
Questar® Metalized polyester film
Coated PET film
Corona treated PET film
Chemically treated PET film
Co-extruded PET film
Colored/pigmented PET film
Black PET film
Ultra clear PET film
Balanced PET film
Twistable PET film
NanoShield® high barrier PET film
Ion-bond metalized PET film
Lidding stock PET film
High barrier PET film
Heat sealable PET film
Anti-fog PET film
Shrink controlled PET film
Anti-static PET film

What is PET Film?
Polyester film is often referred to by its abbreviation, PET film. The chemical name for this type of plastic is polyethylene terephthalate, which is commonly shortened to PET. It is a versatile and robust plastic in film form of various thicknesses, widths and transparencies. It has physical, mechanical, optical, thermal, electrical and chemical properties that make it suitable for many applications. PET film is one of many types of plastic film.
Markets and Applications for PET Film
Questar® brand polyester film from Filmquest is used for:
Flexible Packaging laminators, printers and converters
Industrial / Coaters / Laminators
Electrical & Electronics
Imaging & Graphics